Do you know that you have something special to give to the world, yet something is holding you back from owning your power and fully shining your light?

Are you fed up with that anxious feeling, that you’re here to do great things, but instead you're stuck and time is running out?

Do you have all these great visions and dreams, but when it comes to execution you're crippled by fear and self doubt?

Or maybe you’re already highly successful, yet deep down you know that there is way more to you and your mission?

If you said yes to any of these questions, this event is made for you. Glad that we have found each other!!


Welcome Luminous Soul!


We would like to wholeheartedly invite you to this highly activating and transformational event with extraordinary Master healers, teachers and entrepreneurs Arrameia Auraire Araiss and Indra Silar.

This is your opportunity to activate what you're really made of and get your soul fire lit up like never before. Together we gonna bust through your blocks so you can finally see who you really are!

Are you ready to unleash that unique soul force within you, so you can joyfully bring your wildest visions to life?

Can we get a heck YESSS!! :-)))


YASS, I’m in!!
  • Activate your soul code and allow your unique light to fully shine

  • Unleash your soul fire and align to your highest path

  • Finally dissolve that crippling self doubt and massively boost your inner confidence.

  • Say goodbye to hiding, playing small and and instead say big fat YES to making your vision a reality!

  • Release blocks and fears around fulfilling your divine mission.

  • Unapologetically step into the visionary leader that you are!!

YASS, I’m in!!

During the event you’ll experience ...

  • Initiations
  • Activations
  • Transmissions
  • Energy healing
  • Powerful exercises
  • Guided meditations
  • Powerful vortex of extraordinary souls from your soul fam… ;-)
YASS, I’m in!!

Activate Your Soul Code


Value: £300

Original Price: £188

YASS, I’m in!!